How I Escape My Mind By Listening To Music - Jalan Sunyi

17 Mei 2015

How I Escape My Mind By Listening To Music

Producing creative, fresh projects is the key to standing out. Unique side projects are the best place to innovate, but balancing commercially and creatively lucrative work is tricky. So, this article looks at how to make side projects work and why they’re worthwhile, drawing on lessons learned from our development of the ux ompanion app.

Why Integrate Side Projects?

Being creative within the constraints of client briefs, budgets and timelines is the norm for most agencies. However, investing in research and development as a true, creative outlet is a powerful addition. In these side projects alone, your team members can pool their expertise to create and shape their own vision — a powerful way to develop motivation, interdisciplinary skills and close relationships.

People think focus means saying yes to the thing you've got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all.

Building into the identity and culture of an agency can also lead to new client work. These projects act as a road map, showing clients exciting new technologies and ideas that will differentiate you from competitors. One of our earliest projects turned our website into a brochure, optimized for the first iPad’s touch interactions. By demonstrating the final product, we went on to win a project to create a similar product for a new client.

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Aktif di kegiatan tulis menulis dan membaca sejak kelas 1 SD kala sang Guru dengan lantang memanggil. Lantas berdiri ke depan, menghadap papan tulis hitam. Dengan tatapan kosong, keringat dingin, tangan penuh gemetar, memegang penggaris panjang, hingga mengeja satu demi satu susunan huruf. "Ini ibu budi"

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